Wednesday, May 28, 2008

First Ashes at Permaburn - June 13th and 14th

In late March I got an email from a guy who called himself BadAss, a leader of 16,000 Jedi. He's also the west coast representaitive for Permaburn.

And he wants to throw a party in the desert.

If you're not aware, his friend Greg Glover bought a square mile of northern California in a caldera of a dormant volcano. It's mostly surronded by BLM land.

Greg's intent is to have Permaburn as a location to store and develop art for Burning Man, as well as create a year-round community for those interested in similar ideals...

Permaburn Link

For lots of people, Burning Man is about freedom - freedom to turn the music up too loud, freedom to get naked, freedom to express ourselves in any way we want as long as it doesn't hurt anyone.

Ever since my first Burn, I've heard it's just not like it used to be. People talk about the good old days when there were fewer restrictions. You could bring your dogs, drive your quad or shoot your guns, as well as the more "normal" forms of artistic expression still found on the playa.

BadAss is giving us the chance to return to the good old days. This is a perfect venue to pre-compress and test your art. Think of it as a proto-camp for the playa. Greg and BadAss will provide 640 acres of sage canvas. We apply the paint.

Of course Federal, State and local laws for a private event will still apply, but since this will NOT be an official Burning Man event, BadAss has promised - No other rules!

You will be free to attend, as in NO CHARGE!

You will be free to make noise!

You will be free to burn things! (burn permits applications are being made)

You will be free to enjoy the sun on your skin!

You will be free to dance!

You will be free to bring dogs and pets!

You will be free to create new forms of social interaction!

You will be free to bring motorcycles and quads!

And free to DRIVE them when you get there!

You will be free to quote poetry at the top of your lungs!

You will be free to make things go boom!

You will be free to light things up!

And free to seek the darkness!

You will be free to a howl at the waxing three quarters moon!

You will be free to find solitude in the sage!

You will be free to express yourself in any way you wish!

So come and help us initiate this square mile of freedom!

As for the site, the heavy equipment was out there two weeks ago, and I'm told even the last two miles of road can be traveled using two-wheel drive with reasonable clearance. There will be a radio at the cattle guard for those in need of assistance just in case.

Here is we they have organized so far...

The sky is there.

The land is there.

The road is in.

The weather looks great!

BadAss promises porta-potties (donation accepted, AND donations accepted). Update - 4 Porta potties will be there Friday through Sunday (formula called for 3, so we should be good. Bring all your shit!

There will be a shower and a 250 gal water tank up there but not set up yet.

We have a trampoline - not set up yet.

The swing is already set up.

Cresta is bringing a Burning Barrel.

Rod will have a fabric meditation art piece under test.

Tom is bringing his quads.

Rick & Sue will bring dogs.

Clothes are optional.

Anything legal on private property is allowed.

The music art car "Dragon Wagon" via Fixxxation Station will be on hand.


DJ Helios, Psy Lotus, Gato Mato and Speci are out - maybe or late shows. Kauze 'N F'X (GyPsy and Sedousa) are in. There WILL be music!

DJ Helios

DJ Helios MySpace


So what might YOU add to this stone soup? To help us prepare, please email your RSVP with ideas and approximate head count to... at

I will update this blog post with your feedback as the event approaches. Or just leave comments here.


If you wish to coordinate performance art of any kind, or just have questions, contact BadAss at...

Phone : 408-316-2578

BadAss's site

BassAss quote - "Once Permaburn Starts, it never ends".

(click to expand)

How to get there...

Take 395 60 miles north of Susanville to Madeline, California
(395 junction starts just east of Susanville).

Go 6 miles north of Madeline on 395 to the 134.92 mile marker at 41 7'43" 120 30'0".

Watch for the orange tape from this point on. If you go to Google map you won't find any names on any of these roads, but the mile marker is past Sage Hen and before S. Fork Mountain Road. On the ground, the key is the mile marker and orange tape at each junction.

You have five miles to go.

Take a left onto the shortcut to a gravel road.

Take another left to go south on this gravel road.

Go 0.1 miles till you reach the green gate. Open the gate if you have to.

Go 0.4 miles until you see a second green Gate on the right.

Open the green gate and take a right.

Take the yellow cattle guard about 30 feet beyond the gate for 2.4 miles.

You will see another yellow cattle guard.

To the right, will be a sign for the reservoir.

You are at 41 6'45" 120 32' 6".

Go just BEYOND the cattle guard, and then take an immediate LEFT turn on the dirt road on the other side of the fence. Turn left just AFTER the cattle guard, not before!

There will be a radio at this cattle guard to call for assistance if needed on these
last couple of miles. Again, watch for the orange tape.

Go 2.2 miles south on the dirt road.

At some points the road tilts pretty bad, and there are a few rocks protruding.

You will reach a small hill and then come down into the site.

There are two ponds that identify the spot at 41 05' 00" 120 32' 36".

Welcome to Permaburn!

What : First Ashes for Permaburn

Where : Madeline, California - 60 miles north of Susanville

When : June 13th and 14th

See you in the sage!

My other Burning Man Links