Thursday, January 21, 2010

World's Smallest Political Quiz

“The best government is that which governs least” John L. O’Sullivan 1837

Many of you have heard my political positions - government is about twice the size it needs to be and should be limited to no more than 25% of our production. Further, government shouldn't do anything we can do better as individuals. Finally, there should be no crime without a victim other than the perpetrator.

Zoe first sent me this test a couple of years ago. I just rediscovered it. These ten questions will reveal a lot about who you are politically. And personally. Though obviously biased, it's impressive in how it simplifies such a complexity. But after all, how much government do we really need?

FYI, I got a perfect 10 out of 10.

Please post YOUR results in the comments below. I'd like to know how my friends think.

1 comment:

  1. I'm a liberal...big surprise.

    90% on social issues.
    205 economic.

    However...the *test* is rather vague. Like, cut government spending 50% sounds good, but where would they make the cuts?

    I have been on the board of directors of too many charitable organizations to pass the welfare issue on to a non-profit. OMG, OMG, OMG....good like finding consensus there.

    I DO however think Welfare is not doing what it was originally intended when an able bodied person is getting money for being a layabout. Make them join the Army!!

    If our country is being attacked, YES on the draft, but no otherwise.

    Fun test...but seriously way too vague.
