... seeking simple answers to complex problems, and in the process, disrupting the status quo in technology, art and neuroscience.

Monday, October 09, 2017

The Most Dangerous Drugs

01-15-20 "showed a greater drop in binge drinking than their peers" is the silver lining in this 850,000 sample study. It will have a far greater long-term positive impact than any negative impact of increased marijuana use as total life-time alcohol harm is 3.5 times greater than marijuana harm:

College students use more marijuana in states where it’s legal, but they binge drink less

10/09/17 Only A Handful Of People In History Have Ever Overdosed On LSD. This Is What Happened To Them

06-05-17 Your Brain On Acid

06-10-15 Nice Collection Of Drug Meta Data

04-14-15 - Views are changing: Pew Research on Marijuana

02-23-15 - Marijuana may be even safer than previously thought, researchers say 

02-09-15 - Landmark Study Finds Marijuana Is Not Linked to Car Crashes 

From 3-23-2007:

By British drug class:

By actual aspect of harm:

Having spent over two years on the Washoe County Grand Jury, I've been amazed at how disproportionate the law is compared to the actual physical and social damage resulting from the use of each type of drug.

Apparently others agrees - details here.

Paper - Drug harms in the UK: a multicriteria decision analysis

Even this chart has a muted range when applied to an individual. In the cases I've seen, the curve's far steeper on both ends with meth at the top. Do solvents REALLY do less social damage than cannabis?!?! Certainly not if you're the one huffing.

I can only assume they were measuring TOTAL social impact as opposed to individual social damage, since the incidence of solvent abuse is far more rare than cannabis. Of the 12 million monthly users in America, ever hear of anyone over-dosing on marijuana?

In any case, it's good these drugs are finally being painted with separate brushes. From all the studies and history, our laws are obviously upside-down - especially when it comes to alcohol and cannabis.

Let's get real with the science and the law, before more kids decide they have to try ALL of these things just to learn the truth. Remember that chant from the 60s?

Let's start telling it like it IS!

A useful interview with Dr Nutt 2011:

Mouse Party Teaches Drug Effects

Psychedelics Actually Benefit Mental Health

Interesting links:

Reset Me

The Speed of Hypocrisy: How America Got Hooked on Legal Meth