... seeking simple answers to complex problems, and in the process, disrupting the status quo in technology, art and neuroscience.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Mapping America's Census

The internet is wonderful.  Here it is only 24 hours after release and anyone can drill down to the block level of every city in America.  What a country!

Mapping America: Every City, Every Block

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

200 Years of Economics in 4 Minutes

This is one of the most impressive demonstrations of the effects of industrialization I have ever seen :

200 Years of Economics in 4 Minutes

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

One VERY Impressive Piece of Malware - Stuxnet

It's hard to believe its development will stay secret forever, so someone will eventually take credit and maybe even write a book.  Whatever the case, and whom ever created and managed it, Stuxnet was one amazing malware campaign with it's zero-day exploits, subtle damage approach and peer to peer upgrade channel.  Don't worry if you're a technophobe, the article below reads like a Hollywood script and brings to mind how Churchill subtlety used Ultra (or didn't use it) to further his objectives.  The story even has a climax, with discovery day cleanup already prepared - very impressive.  Here's a link :

And the more technical Wiki version :

It makes one wonder what unknown code may be running on other computers...

Be prepared.

Rod Coleman, General Manager - Sierra Computer Group